The goal of the project was to create a hip, trendy and low-cost wearable speedometer.
Following the same principles, I use for all my work—simplicity and usability above all.
As it is for cyclists, the only item that would be displayed on the screen would be the speed, so the most distinct feature on the face is the speed, with the SUNKIN name on top, and the unit of speed on the bottom.
It began with a single sketch—pictured above—that was drawn up in less than an hour.
With an elegantly curved glass front nestled with the edges poking out of the body slightly, it is the epitome of silent beauty. The first one hit the mark—the client loved the design right away and wanted exactly that, nothing more.
Digitally Sketched, 3D modeled, Rendered, and Photoshopped. All in less than 3 hours.